CCA Summer School Repertoire
This summer our repertoire will include works from the 16th to the 21st century, and will focus in particular on the links between Renaissance and Romantic music. 2024 being the 200th anniversary of the birth of the symphonist and choral composer Anton Bruckner, we will be singing three of his most celebrated motets, and also works by his greatest inspiration, Palestrina. There will also be music from the English Renaissance and a wide selection of secular music to dip into in our consort groups.
Over the course of the week we will have the opportunity to work in depth on a core repertoire of sacred works suitable for our daily evensong and compline services. In addition, we will be selecting works for smaller consorts from the madrigal, part-song and close harmony repertories for our end-of-week gala concert, and for more informal music-making sessions.
The course will also include a talk on Bruckner’s music and career by leading scholar Professor David Trippett.
Palestrina: Adoramus te, Christe
Weelkes: Alleluia, I heard a voice
Hymn by John Mason Neale TBC
Stanford in A – Nunc dimittisÂ
Drinking Songs for Wine Tasting in case you’d like to prepare at home!
Sung Grace for our Formal Dinner: Oculi omnium (Wood)
All music will be provided; but you might like to buy your own copy in advance of The Oxford Book of Tudor Anthems (compiled by Christopher Morris; Oxford University Press) and Madrigals and Partsongs (ed. Clifford Bartlett; Oxford University Press) which we will be using throughout the course.
UK/US note values
If you’re wondering what a ‘crotchet’ is, there’s a useful chart here!
Online warm-up
Don’t worry if you’re feeling a little rusty – try Edward’s “dusting off the cobwebs” video. You could also practice singing along with a Youtube video by one of the Cambridge choirs.