Singing Retreat Music Pack Sept 22

The Great *British* Choral Tradition

Here is your music pack for the September Singing Retreat!  Just click the links below to see the work online or to download them,  Copies have been purchased so there are no copyright issues, but please don’t share these.  We hope you can find time over the summer to familiarise yourself with the pieces so that we can spend less time note-bashing and more time making music.  If you’re printing the pieces off to learn them, feel free to bring them with you, but we’ll also provide a full music pack and folder.

“Although we speak proudly of an ‘English’ choral tradition, it is in fact better described as a “British” tradition – in recognition of the contribution of composers from Wales, Scotland and Ireland. The music for our September Evensongs will come from all four ‘home nations” – Dr Edward Wickham, Artistic Director

Don’t worry if you’re feeling a little rusty – try Edward’s “dusting off the cobwebs” video. You could also practice singing along with with a Youtube video by one of the Cambridge choirs.  Enjoy!

  1. Thomas Tomkins Almighty God, the fountain of all wisdom
  2. James Macmillan Benedicimus Deus caeli
  3. Ernest Moeran Canticles in D
  4. William Byrd Third Service
  5. Thomas Tallis If Ye Love Me
  6. Byrd responses
  7. Psalm 29
  8. Psalm 149
  9. Hymns
Cambridge Choral Academy